Shopify to Fishbowl Integration
We can integrate the following features from your Shopify channel into Fishbowl Inventory:
Display which items are in stock by synchronizing inventory with Fishbowl. Optionally limit the maximum quantity available to your store or limit by location.
Make your company as efficient as possible with a custom ILC integration. You’ll never waste time manually entering an order again! We can download orders into Fishbowl from all of your Shopify channels throughout the day or at specified time intervals. You can pick, pack, ship, and update the order status in Shopify without ever leaving Fishbowl.
Synchronizing products between Fishbowl and Shopify has never been easier. Set up your products in Fishbowl and have it appear in Shopify with the push of a button.
Keep your customers updated on the status of their order. With our integration, Fishbowl can send tracking information to Shopify as soon as the order is shipped!
Does your company have a different business process? Ask our team how we can customize your Shopify integration to suit your needs.
Our Connection Experience
- Our team can download an aggregate order from Shopify as one order in Fishbowl. You can continue to process orders outside of Fishbowl while keeping your inventory accurate.
- We can work with the Shopify apps you have for your store. Here are some examples of what our team can do:
- Take an on-the-fly bundled order from Shopify and import the order as individual line items based on that bundle.
- Include return processes by integrating with Returnly.
- Continue to provide customers with tracking information by integrating with your shipping services such as Shippo, ShipStation, ShipWorks, and many more!
- We can integrate with multiple Shopify stores and work with customers on Shopify Plus.
How our Integrations Work
- Our integrations are cloud-based and run as a light service on your Fishbowl server. This allows our team to push updates to your integration quickly, even if you are out of the office.
- With team members located in the United States and in Australia, we can provide expanded support hours to all of our clients.
- We proactively monitor your integrations to make sure your connection is never down.
- When we set up your integration, we review the business mapping with you to ensure everything is correct.
- Future updates to Fishbowl or Shopify are included in your Monthly Integration Service package.
Let us keep you connected.
We’ve made it even easier for you to integrate your business solutions directly into Fishbowl Inventory by providing a new monthly service to you!
With our eCommerce Integrations service, you can get seamless integrations of several eCommerce and shipping platforms (including Amazon, Magento, WooCommerce, eBay, BigCommerce, FTP, Shopify, ShipWorks, Salesforce, and many more!) into your Fishbowl system. This service gives ILC the flexibility to support your business and all of the integrations you use to run it.
Pricing starts at only $150/month!
Additional charges apply after the first channel. If you’re looking to integrate 10+ channels to Fishbowl Inventory, contact us today for a custom quote!
Ready to integrate?
Get started by clicking the button below to fill out a quick survey on what channels you need connected, when you need them by, and ask us any additional questions you may have regarding the integration service.
If you are experiencing any issues with filling out the form, please click here.
Get In Touch
We are available Monday through Friday 8AM to 5PM U.S. Pacific Standard Time.